Thursday, May 24, 2007

Limping Along...

No, it's not that bad. Things were really hectic for me Saturday through Monday. Monday evening came along, and I started to panic. Though I had taken some of my books with me, I had to spend two days away from home and later felt like I was so behind. As in, how can I be so behind and it's only week two? Granted, not every weekend is going to be as crazy as this last one was. And yes, I've accepted the fact that my weekends will consist primarily of schoolwork this semester...

I'm starting to settle into a routine though, so hopefully that will keep me in line. I've already informed friends and family of my hermit status this summer. There is just so much to do! And honestly, this makes my first grad school experience feel like it was kindergarten.

While overwhelming, it does feel good to be challenged.

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