Thursday, July 26, 2007

Seasick, Yet Still Docked

I've been dealing with some mystery malaise since last Wednesday, back in Pittsburgh. It began with dizziness, then morphed into dizziness plus bad headaches and what I refer to as "brain fog". The brain fog made me feel like I was drugged, and even caused me to slur my speech a bit. Scary! Last Saturday at work was awful, and I finally got to a doctor on Sunday who assured me that it wasn't a stroke or anything but perhaps a virus.

This week I've been feeling better little by little. The brain fog has gone away, but I still get dizziness and headaches. I am so looking forward to the end of this semester so I can relax for a moment and catch up on some sleep on my days off from work. Until then, I shall remain the Dizzy Girl...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yucky - I hope you are feeling better, lady.

I am a poor, freezing-cold soul,
So far from where I intended to go.
Scavenging through life's very constant lulls,
So far from where I'm determined to go.