Saturday, June 2, 2007


For years I've gotten by without much knowledge of the world of computers. I've been internet proficient for years, and I've been blogging since 2004. My grandparents all seem to think that I'm very techno-savvy because of this, but I'm not. My overall knowledge of computers is pathetic.

Despite this, I am lucky to live with a techno-geek who helps me out. Sometimes he gets exasperated by how little I know, but generally, he's a good sport. I'll speak for both of us when I mention how much I am appreciating LIS2600. For years, I've been too lazy to read up on computers, even though I know I should. There's just too many good books to read to give up my valuable reading time. But being in this class forces me to read and learn more of what I need to know. And for this, I am appreciative.

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