Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Day In Photos

Despite the fact that my day wasn't too exciting, I thought it would be fun to put together a photo blog entry for today.

The day started with coffee:

Then it was time to check email, blackboard, etc. (my news and celebrity gossip - ha):

I did schoolwork for a while, then took a ride to the park for an easy 2 1/2 mile walk on the Ohio & Erie Canal towpath trail with Cosmo:

Along the way, I stopped to take a picture of Cos:

A few other photos from the walk:

At home, there was more schoolwork to get to. Since this was a day off, school was the focus of my day:

When I'm not reading, I keep my iTunes on shuffle. Got to have my music!

I still have more work to do, but in an hour or so, I think I'll kick back with one of these:

It's a shame that we can't get Yuengling in Ohio. Drew and I brought some back with us after a camping trip in Cook Forest a week before this semester began.
We've been savoring them ever since.

Back to work...

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